27 June 2007

It ain't quite over yet...

So yeah, I made it to a 20,000 word screenplay in 30 days (actually a bit less). Unfortunately, it isn't quite finished yet. So, I'll see if I can use the time I have left to actually complete it (or at least have the plot hashed out on paper/hard drive). Compared to NaNoWriMo where I was scrambling to fulfill the proper word count, ScriptFrenzy! was one where I tried to cram too much in too little space. Admittedly though, I did occasionally slip into my fiction mode of writing where there is quite a lot of filler describing people, places and things as opposed to providing any advancement for the plot.

Nonetheless, there is a whole lot of plot to be had. Hypothetically, it could be two movies, but I think form and structure-wise, it would be a lot better as just one. I promise I'll post it like I did for NaNoWriMo...and I promise that it is a much more fun read than "312 East Main Street." I mean there are assassins, schoolgirls (if I get to the bit about the international assassin training school), torture scenes of people who really deserve it, mother/daughter dramatic turmoil about the expectations one has about the way the other leads her life, explosions, and at least one sex scene/montage.

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